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Unique visitors: 1884
Morris et al, 2008 while stressing the importance of biometeorology as an upcoming field of research highlighted the need of understanding microbiological dimensions of atmospheric processes. Research in USA (Mohler et al., 2007) and France (Brent, 2012), Canada, Germany, Austria (Deguillaume et al, ...
Author: Kamat Nandkumar
Unique visitors: 4125
The Ohaba meteorite fell in October 11, 1857, in Transylvania (Alba District, Romania). After appearance of a fireball, followed by detonations, a stone of 16.25 kg was found by a priest (Graham et al., 1985). The fragments recovered are kept in 16 museums from 11 countries. The Museum of Natural History ...
Unique visitors: 2930
Camo is glad to announce the 2nd European User Meeting on Multivariate Data Analysis to take place in the beautiful surroundings of lake Como. Our ambition is to establish a forum for chemometricians at industrial level. We invite all The Unscrambler® users, professional scientists and everyone who ...
Author: CAMO
Unique visitors: 3008
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Author: ConferencePostersonline.com
Unique visitors: 3233
The generation of vast amounts of data from proteomics studies has become a common practice in many scientific laboratories. Many software tools have emerged to help process these datasets. Until now it was however unrealistic to perform comparison analysis of data sets derived from different laboratories. ...
Author: Soeren Schandorff
Unique visitors: 3335
The cracking plant can produce over 800,000 tonnes of product per year via the process of steam cracking. The feedstock comes from the North Sea and is purified at another plant. It is subsequently heated in a mixture with steam to the temperature (~800 °C) where alkanes are cracked to smaller chain ...
Author: Dr. Phillip Turner
Unique visitors: 2883
Possible instrumental methods to improve quantitative measurements using quadrupole mass spectrometry are discussed. Others have previously been reported that zone III has enabled the resolution of components CO and N2. These produce identical peaks at mass 28 using a zone I spectrometer.
Author: Dr. Phillip Turner
Unique visitors: 2936
The ion source is one of the three main components of a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS), and it is responsible for ionizing neutral atoms or molecules to create mainly singly charged positive ions. This is achieved using Electron Impact (EI) Ionisation whereby a current is applied to a tungsten or ...
Author: Neil France
Unique visitors: 2959
High-K dielectric materials are now considered as alternative gate dielectrics to silicon diode (SiO2) mainly due to their high value of dielectric constant K. The high K value can reduce the threshold voltage and the supply voltage thus resulting in lower power consumption. The switching speed of a ...
Author: Dr. Munira Raja
Unique visitors: 2828
Mud Gas Analysis (MGA) gives both short and intermediate term benefits in exploration and production. Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry provides an inexpensive measurement option against unforeseen drilling problems. Downhole collection and MGA is a key measurement goal since (i) this avoids atmospheric contamination ...
Author: Dr. Phillip Turner
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