Author:Peter J Baugh
Co-authors:Chris Smith, Deborah Smith & Graham Bonwick
Abstract/Description: 17 companies associated with a variety of products and accessories for Mass Spectrometry & Chromatography are exhibiting at the EMS2006 meeting and include the following:
Advanstar, Anton Parr Ltd., Bruker Daltonics Ltd., Domnick Hunter Group, Grace (Alltech) Associates, Greyhound Chromatography & Allied Chemicals, Hiden Analytical Ltd., Kore Technology Ltd., Leco UK Ltd., LGC(Promochem), Presearch Ltd., Qmx Laboratories, SAI Ltd., SGE Europe Ltd., Thames Restec Ltd., Thermo Electron Corporation, Varian Ltd., Waters Corporation
Poster presented at:3rd National Meeting on Environmental Mass Spectrometry - 2006