Poster ID:1142244875

How multi-purpose is multi-residue pesticide analysis for the busy testing laboratory?

click image to enlarge How multi-purpose is multi-residue pesticide analysis for the busy testing laboratory?

Author:Mark D. Sykes

Co-authors:Julie A. Harrold

CSL owns three Applied Biosystems Sciex API2000 mass spectrometers which are all used for LC-MS/MS determinations, mainly pesticide residues. These are nominally identical instruments. During method development, a number of compound and mass-dependent parameters must be optimised to provide the highest intensity response for the ions. Once the optimum values have been determined for a particular ion on one instrument, the assumption is that this value is directly transferable to another instrument of the same make and model without further re-optimisation. Recent experience has demonstrated that the declustering potential on one instrument is not transferable to another. The implication for this is that the work done on more than 70 compounds on one instrument [1] would need to be repeated to ensure optimum response on another. This flexibility in working practice becomes more important as analytical suites become larger and reporting deadlines ever tighter.

Poster presented at:
3rd National Meeting on Environmental Mass Spectrometry - 2006


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