Author:Paul Webb
Co-authors:Jacqueline Hamilton and Alastair Lewis
Abstract/Description: There have been many investigations of atmospheric aerosol composition using numerous different techniques and instrumentation. It is important to identify the composition of aerosols, precursors and their affect on the atmosphere and human health. Atmospheric aerosols contain a highly complex organic mixture made up of thousands of different analytes, with wide ranging functionality and volatility. The majority of analytical systems have been unable to perform a complete speciation; instead selective analyses have been performed where studies concentrated on particular functional groups (i.e. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). A large proportion of previous analyses have been lab based (i.e. smog chamber studies) with little actual quantification of atmospheric samples. The partially oxidised compounds within organic aerosol have been studied using direct thermal desorption coupled to comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TD-GCxGC-ToF-MS).
Poster presented at:3rd National Meeting on Environmental Mass Spectrometry - 2006