Poster ID:1142374287

Determination of Contaminants in Sports Supplements by GC-MS

click image to enlarge Determination of Contaminants in Sports Supplements by GC-MS

Author:David Wevill

Drug contamination in sports supplements can lead to athletes testing positive for banned substances in urine tests. These contaminants can come from a range of sources but are not noted on the ingredient lists of the supplements. HFL offers a screening service designed to help nutritional and sports supplement manufacturers and retailers ensure their product is free from anabolic steroids (such as nandrolone and DHEA) and stimulants such as ephedrine. The talk will focus on the method development, on both a single and triple quadrupole GCMS, of the new gold screen which has a detection level of 10ngg-1 for a range of anabolic steroids.

Poster presented at:
3rd National Meeting on Environmental Mass Spectrometry - 2006


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