Poster ID:1142426667

The development of a method for imaging the distribution of agrochemicals in plants

click image to enlarge The development of a method for imaging the distribution of agrochemicals in plants

Author:David M G Anderson

Co-authors:Malcolm R. Clench, Vikki A. Carolan, Susan Crosland and KateR. Sharples

The development of a method for imaging the distribution of mesotrione and azoxystrobin in the plant after foliar uptake is described. MALDI-TOF-MS images have been obtained using an Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex Q-star pulsar i fitted with an orthogonal MALDI source and an Nd:YaG laser. Solutions of agrochemicals were applied to leaves, incubated at room temperature to allow absorption into the leaf, and translocation of compounds into the stem. Images of the deprotonated and protonated molecules have been generated, that indicate the distribution of the compound in the plant.

Poster presented at:
3rd National Meeting on Environmental Mass Spectrometry - 2006


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