Poster ID:

EmCon 2007

International Conference on Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment

7th - 9th March 2007

Lakeside Conference Centre, York, UK

Scientists. regulators and the public are becoming increasingly concerned about the presence and impacts of emerging chemical contaminants (including pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicines, nanoparticles, non-traditional metals, degradation products, and emerging POPs) in the environment.

Over the past ten years, there have been significant advances in analytical methodologies for detecting these substances in the environment. During this international conference we will discuss the challenges and solutions to detecting and quantifying these substances in a wide range of environmental matrices. A range of techniques will be discussed

Unique visitors: 3008

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Author: View
Unique visitors: 1474
Prioritisation of pharmaceuticals of potential environmental concern

There are over 3,000 pharmaceuticals on the UK market but most have never been subject to an environmental risk assessment. In 2003, the Environment Agency published a Position Statement on the impacts of human pharmaceuticals on the aquatic environment [1] which called for reassurance that low levels ...

Author: Boucard, T View

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