The Environment Agency is modernising its approach to regulation. Modern regulation focuses on environmental outcomes and places greater responsibilities on industry. Under this approach operators have a right to lower levels of regulatory attention through good management of their sites to high environmental standards. To underpin this approach the Agency is specifying performance standards and requiring the use of appropriate systems for monitoring wastewater discharges and water quality. Assessments through its Operator Monitoring Assessment scheme, OMA, of operators selfmonitoring arrangements and MCERTS are fundamental building blocks of the Agency's modernising regulation agenda. The practical implementation of these requirements for PPC regulated industries will be explored. Industry too has its role to play and WITS - the Water Industry Telemetry Standards - shows the way to handle monitoring data in the 21st century. With a key note speech by Chris Howes, the Agency's Head of Modern Regulation, and complementary presentations by experts this is a must attend conference for representatives from the PPC industries, the water industry, instrument users, suppliers and manufacturers; and all who are concerned with meeting the emerging challenges of modern environmental regulation.
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